Successful marital relationship marriage top Secret stages married couples face 

What are top secrets of the successful happy marital relationship?

What are three marriage stages that married couples face? 
What is the secret advice to save the marriages life?

You may be surprised by the title at first glance, but in this article I will talk about three very important marriage stages and the secrets to pass these stages. Each marriage stage affects your entire life. Either you live happy and successful marriage, or you live miserable marriage and suffer psychologically until you die.If you didn't marry yet , you must ask yourself the following questions :
1- What makes a strong marriage?
2- What are the secrets of successful marriage?
3- What are the most three important things in marriage?
4- How do secrets affect relationships?

Secrets of the successful happy marital relationship

Now , you will find all your answers in the below cases.                                  

The first marriage case: the selection stage:

And here we are talking about both sexes, whether a girl or a man, and the selection stage is very important because it is the only opportunity for you to choose completely with your freedom. You alone choose and decide without interference from anyone and with your full desire and at the same time it may be the cause of your unhappiness throughout your life if you choose the wrong person, you must choose the right person, whether you are a man or a girl.

Wrong marriage choice:

Most people ignore the secrets of choosing their life partner without following the right steps:

Most of the disasters that happen between couples after a period may be very few after marriage, most of marriages after the honeymoon, which begins with insults between the two couples and perhaps beating, which ends quickly the marriage with divorce or sometimes with murder, all of them begin with the name of "love." The girl says I chose him because I love him, and then he changed. This person had flaws that I had never seen before marriage, and vice versa. The man says, this is not the person I loved, because she is boring and causes problems a lot.

But in fact, love is innocent of all these behavior. They are the ones who deceived themselves because from the beginning they chose the wrong spouse, and here I do not mean that one of the parties is bad, but I mean that each of them has different goals and the way of knowing life is different and each of them has different temperaments. You agree with the other and even though they had previously heard from their friends, relatives or close people that this partner is not suitable for you and the relationship will fail, but they ignore all these advice and sometimes you may see these flaws on your own, but you think that you can adjust or ignore it because you convince yourself that you cannot live without this partner and that it is your life's dream.

Now if you are not married, here are some secrets for you to avoid making the wrong choice:

First Secret: Be honest with yourself first:

One of the important secrets is that you must love your partner’s faults before his advantages, and this is a simple example, "There is a girl who has no problem with her partner being nervous, for example, while there is another girl who does not accept this, so the last girl should not associate with this nervous man in the name of love because she will not bear it after that." Another example there is. A man who loves his wife to be a housewife should not be associated with an ambitious girl who loves her job because he will not endure her in the end because she has ambition and it is not one of her goals to be a housewife only.

Second Secret: Love alone is not enough:

Yes, this is a fact that you should be well aware of. When you choose a person, he must be of the same culture as you, and I am not talking about the rich and the poor. I am talking about the method of education and culture so that between you and your partner there is an understandable language of communication and he is aware of what you want to say to him without being you struggle in explaining to him in many ways so that he understands your intentions correctly.

Third Secret: Do not ignore the advises of those around you:

Especially your parents, they are older than you in age and experience, and they may see money that you cannot see, and here I do not mean to take their opinion and apply it immediately, but you just have to think carefully about their opinion and whether it is correct or not, this may help a lot.

Fourth Secret: Do not be fooled by beginnings:

The beginnings are always beautiful and all of us try to show all their positives in them until you personally and you find yourself with your partner at this stage more like a flying angel and he is, but wake up, you are not an angel nor he is, and there are also those who try to show the opposite of his character to deceive you and He has other goals to be his life partner, such as money or any other connection, so as not to be deceived. Always put this person under the test. For example, try to see his reaction when he is excited or how he deals with his friends or when you talk to him on the phone, you should pay attention to how he deals with his family, especially His parents, these things will reveal many things to you because he, dear, will not treat you better than his family.

Fifthly Secret: You choose a father and a mother for your children:

This is the most important point in the selection stage:

You must know that you choose a father or a mother for your children, because in the future you will not only bemoan yourself if you make the wrong choice, but rather you will bemoan those who you will love more than yourself. You will not only wrong yourself, but perhaps two or three people with you and all this because you made the wrong choice from the beginning  that will damage all the marital relationship and even the kids.

These are the secrets to have a happy and save relationship later after you marry in the following stages.

The second marriage case: The lukewarm of the marital relationship stage and how to save the marriages:

Here I am talking with normal people who have been married between four and ten years and there have been a lukewarm relationship because of the concerns of life, work and children. Neither the father nor the mother express to each other the extent of their love and life becomes boring and routine, and here one of the parties must awaken the other from his nap so that the relationship does not collapse and the house collapses with her. How many marriages appear in front of you happy and even people may envy them for their happy relationship, but inside these houses there are big problems that only their couples know.

The lukewarm of marital relationship,how to treat it

Steps to treat the cooling off of the marital relationships:

In order to awaken your partner (wife or husband) and restore your happy perfect relationship and to save the house, follow the following:

First: You work to live (family comes first):

Know that you work to live and not the other way around: whether you are a father or a mother, I know that you work to live and build a family together; there are those who take work to the point that they forget their duties as a father or as a mother and ignore all their relationships with their family. The father and the mother are always busy or there is one of them in his duties, which makes your children also vulnerable to disaster if they fall victim to the wrong person.

Second: Remember why you got married and what your goals were:

Always remember the beginnings of your relationship with your partner and the happy times and how beautiful they are, and remember the good positive things that you were able to do together and how many challenges you have overcome together. Remind your partner of these positive things and distance yourself from the negative things in your life.

Third: Do not mock your partner:

If you find your partner spoiling you or trying to joke with you and break the routine or remind you of something nice between you, do not embarrass him with words or remind him of something negative, keep in mind that this will make him not repeat it at all, but rather he thinks that you are a person who does not deserve to exhaust himself for you.

Fourth: Surprise your partner:

So surprise him with a beautiful gift or a picnic you bring to him or with beautiful words that he has not heard from you for a long time and do not be shy to do so, the most beautiful thing in life is to express to your partner how much you appreciate and love him, this breaks many restrictions and will make him exchange you with words thinner and more beautiful.

Fifth: blame your partner:

If there is something in your chest toward your partner, reproach him and be kind because there are words that have a stronger effect than a gunshot and may end a relationship. So admire each other kindly and firsthand. If you do not do this, you are building a wall of ice that grows day after day and you will not be able to melt it no matter finally done.

The third marriage case: the impossible relationship stage:

At this stage, the two partners are completely incompatible, and each of them has goals other than the other, and the relationship is not based on respect, but rather that the two partners compete in whoever defeats the other in rudeness and insults the other and creates problems for him and humiliates him and the major problem is that children are victims All this, and when you ask them why you should bear all this, you must separate, they say that they do not want to separate for the sake of the children and this is of course untrue.

The impossible relationship stage


Each of them continues for a specific interest as follows:

1)The man continues with her because she is rich and spent on the house, but he may be in a relationship with another girl.

2)The woman does not want to be separated because she has no other shelter, home or work.

3)Both of them are committed to possessing children in the event of separation.

4)  They both don't want to be off guard and may be cheating on each other.

There are many interests that make them inseparable, and this has become and the worst stage, and there are those who realize themselves in it and survive by themselves and decide to separate and start a new life, and there are those who live and die in that miserable relationship just because of stubbornness or to feel that they have won in the end.

In the end, try to choose and take the right decision from the beginning, so you can love and test many people, but do not relate to anyone unless you are sure that it is the right decision even if this decision is delayed.

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