Secrets of the mystery hidden world - Chapter 1:The struggle for the throne

Three centuries ago, there was a small kingdom in central Europe that was ruled by a king named Robert who had a beautiful wife, Queen Sandra, and they loved each other very much and they were loved by the people, but there was one thing that disturbed this love, so the king wanted an heir to a throne and Also, the queen had a dream about her son, and this dream was many years late.

chapter 1 The struggle for the throne

There were always people close to the king who always whispered to him in his ear that he should marry again, even from a maid, in order to secure an heir to the throne. King Robert was the elder brother of two brothers who did not want him to marry or have children so that they could have a chance to rule after his death, the middle brother was called Prince Raymond and the youngest are called Prince Hector and he was the most coveted for the throne, so they always whispered in his ear that he could not betray the Queen after all this great love. Even if the Queen agreed, the people would never accept this. The people witnessed your love story together and that many people may sympathize with the Queen. And they turn against you and hate you, but in fact the two brothers were in fact their main goal not to bring the king an heir to the throne and the king was very dispersed internally, he loved the queen very much, but at the same time he wanted to have children, so this is the human instinct and he was torn. There are those who whisper in his ear something and his brothers whispering something Another was always in an internal struggle with himself.
This conflict was creating a lot of problems between the king and the queen, for she also loves him like any other wife, and she does not imagine him being with another woman, for she loves him and does not imagine this scenario at all, and if she agrees to that, he will treat her well, or whoever she has will have all his love and interest in her and With her child, another queen was in an internal struggle.
The palace was living in a state of conspiracy, so everyone who has an interest is spying on the other until King Robert became seriously ill and news began to spread in the palace about his imminent death.
This news reached the two brothers, so Prince Raymond began to act as if he was the king and began preparing, the vanity began to possess him, but he did not imagine that Prince Hector his younger brother would not allow him to ascend the throne so easily, as he asked one of his spies to get rid of him so that Prince Hector alone was in the throne, so Prince Raymond loved women and wines.
On one night Prince Raymond decided to celebrate secretly the imminence of his coronation as a king by spending the night with a number of beautiful slave girls and drinking wine until early dawn, but his younger brother Hector had agreed with one of the slaves who at the same time was his spy for him to put poison in wine and after he died He will take the corpse of some men and hide it, and after a while the prince is absent, he will be announced as the new king, and indeed the plan has been successfully implemented and Hector got rid of his brother Raymond and eagerly awaited the death of King Robert so that he would be alone in ruling, but surprisingly, King Robert after he was bedridden among the dead for several Weeks, he recovered suddenly, and here was the shock of Prince Hector. After the disappearance of Prince Raymond, the finger of accusation began to go to Prince Hector because he was the only interest holder during the king's illness, and certainly no one confronted him with that because there was no evidence, but it was He sees these words in the eyes of the king and those around him, and this is what made him terrified because he feels that the king doubts his order. What increased pressure on him was that his accomplices in the crime were extorting him financially so that they would not disclose his matter and the king’s suspicions would be confirmed. Prince Hector became under terrible pressure in all respects.
On the other hand, after King Robert recovered, many ideas changed in him, so he did not think about having children, especially after the disappearance of his brother Prince Raymond, and he began to be very wary of his younger brother despite his great love for both of his brothers, so the idea that Prince Hector might be the one who got rid of Prince Raymond was terrifying him from Childbearing, how can he give birth to a son who inherits a throne and the brother kills his brother in order to reach him? Perhaps Prince Hector also tried to kill his nephew to reach the throne. With his keenness on his brother, his relationship with the queen changed permanently, so he tried to solve any differences and tried to reassure her and get closer to her and remove from her head the idea that he might marry her for childbearing. It is true that she doubted this matter, but his ideal treatment of her sometimes forgot her from the pressures that were exposed to the previous period.
One morning, the king and the queen were riding their horses among their guards in the palace garden, as they had not practiced for a while, and if the queen fell off her horse and the king rushed to her and the best wise men came, he was suspicious that someone might have put her poison, as his thinking became full of doubts Especially his brother's side.
But the surprise was when one of the wise men told him that his wife was fine and told him that Queen Sandra would place him an heir to the throne and that the fetus was not affected by this accident and she had to be careful, and here was the surprise, as with the intensity of his joy he was very anxious, this news will bother his brother Prince Raymond, so he may try to get rid of This child or from the child and the queen together, and this is what made him tighten the guard over his wife and that he himself made sure to always be next to her and appoint guards who were extremely loyal to him. As for the queen, she was at the height of happiness. She did not expect to give birth after all these years and began to imagine the form of And she ordered her child to prepare the best clothes and toys for a boy or girl, and she was living in the sweetest dreams and all the pressures were removed from her and she began to think about what she would name her newborn if it was a boy or a girl.
On the other hand, after Prince Raymond learned of the news of the Queen’s pregnancy, he became angry and felt that everything that was planned for him was lost in front of his eyes. The pressure increased on him, especially after his accomplices in the first crime bully him. In the end, they were dealing with him as if he would become king in the future and he would fulfill their aspirations. But now he is lost. This hope did not receive the same respect from his partners, which prompted him to start thinking about a new plan to get rid of this child in any way to restore his prestige and hope for the king, but he knew that the king put him on the list of doubtful about the disappearance of his brother Prince Raymond, especially after the change of the king’s treatment with him In everything and because he knows that there is a strong guard over the Queen and that these guards are very loyal to the king, the queen, and even the maidservants responsible for serving the queen who were very loyal to her from her youth, and here he had to postpone the idea a little, so that the queen might give birth to a girl, so there was no problem at all.
Months pass by peacefully and Queen Sandra gave birth  ..... To be continued

In the next chapter, Chapter 2: prohibition does not prevent fate

We will learn about the type of newborn, whether it is male or female, and what will be Prince Hector's reaction.
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